Gardena Neighborhood Watch

the Y's Healthy Kids Day

Carson - Gardena: The Y's Healthy Kids Day 2013
Tim Stafford, Healthy Lifestyles Director

On Saturday, April 27th the Gardena-Carson YMCA held its "Healthy Kids Day 2013". This was a free community event that promoted Health, Well Being and Fitness for children of all ages...

The morning started with a delicious Pancake Breakfast prepared by YMCA staff members and volunteers. After breakfast free fitness classes were offered to kids and their parents and "Health Kids Day 2013" was in full stride. Events offered were free kids health screenings, a petting zoo, scholastic book fair, NFL Play 60, bounce houses and K 1 Speed Go Karts!

Dignitaries in attendance were Carson Mayor Jim Dear and Gardena Mayor Pro Tem Dan Medina.

Also in attendance were Radio Disney and the Laker Girls. Radio Disney played great music and held contests for the kids and the Laker Girls drew big crowds of autograph seekers.

Gardena-Carson YMCA
1000 West Artesia Blvd.
Gardena, Ca. 90248
(310) 523-3470